Sound familiar?

Today, you're probably an undervalued expert giving talks. Wouldn't you rather be a sought-after physician speaker delivering pro-level presentations that earn you better opportunities and more income? 

With easy-to-follow lessons and step-by-step implementation homework,  The Speaking Prescription will show you how to navigate the career-boosting business of professional speaking. Finally, get the opportunities and rewards you deserve. 


"Marjorie has changed my entire approach to my business online, and taught me so much about branding and SEO, as well as the ins and outs of speaking professionally. My speaking opportunities have multiplied, and my confidence and knowledge of the business continues to grow. What sets Marjorie apart is the ease of digesting what she delivers. I always feel like she is speaking to ME."

Nancy Shipley M.D., Orthopedic Surgeon

Nothing advances your career like the visibility and expertise that comes with being an in-demand speaker. 


This is true whether you're moving up the academic ladder or hoping to earn additional income from speaking.  But if you're like most healthcare leaders, you probably haven't figured out how to make this work for you. 

Preparing presentations, traveling, and delivering on stage can be very time consuming and stressful. Worse, it can actually cost YOU money to accept speaking 'invitations' when you factor in time away from your regular work. 

This is confusing and frustrating, but it doesn't have to be that way! 


The Speaking Rx is the ONLY program of its kind that:


1. Is developed and taught by a physician who understands your challenges and the norms of your current speaking environment - including some risks that may never have crossed your mind

2. Is offered by a Professional Speaker with the National Speakers Association - I've been a well paid speaker for 8+ years (and I was an unpaid speaker like most of my students for several years before I figured this out!)

3. Explains the business of public speaking (contracts, negotiations, marketing, branding) as well as the skills that differentiate you as a pro-level presenter that's worth promoting, hiring, and paying!

4. Breaks the myths and delivers straight talk about the huge number of opportunities you likely hadn't considered before, and how to get those opportunities to come to you 

5. Truly understands how much a successful speaking business can accelerate your traditional career, or provide a means to more income (which can buy you more balance in your life and medical work)

6. Is highly recommended by your peers - other physicians -  who have experienced big breakthroughs and results.  (Read what other doctors say about The Rx Series courses here and here.)

So, how can actually get these results for yourself?  The Speaking Rx offers you a streamlined path without all the stress and uncertainty.  

I've been there, and I can help you get here. 

"Prior to the course, I was learning with podcasts and websites for entrepreneurs, but those aren't specific enough for physicians. This course addressed another layer of the more complex interactions of professional life as doctor mixed with professional life as entrepreneur - I'm so thankful for that."

Melissa Parsons, M.D.

What you will learn in The Speaking Rx:

Module 1

Thinking Like A Business 

This module will broaden your thinking about your expertise, audience, industry, venue - you have  more options than you think! Each has unique considerations, and they have to align with each other in the right way. 

Module Highlights:

We'll break down the core elements of a successful business so you can get off to a solid start.  

  • You'll understand how important it is to present yourself and your work as a product that sells. And by 'sells' I mean whatever outcome is aligned with your goals - a 'sale' could be more speaking opportunities (or better ones), it could be academic promotion, being recruiting to a leadership role. 
  • Of course, a sale can also be literally that - real money in the bank in exchange for your work as a speaker.
Module 2

Speaking Opportunity Magnets 

This module will teach you effective strategies to get noticed as an expert by the people who are already paying their speakers. Not only will you find a new world, but the opportunities will come to you!

Module Highlights:

We'll get specific about determining and getting noticed in the sweet spot for you, including:

  • Where you fit in the various industries and markets 
  • Which kinds of opportunities are the best match for you 
  • How to get on the radar of the right decision-makers without cold calls/emails 
  • How to create a presence that makes event planners seek you out, so you don't have to chase them
Module 3

Branding Your Speaking Business

This module will teach you how to describe what you offer in the language that immediately connects with your ideal audience and event planners - the very people who will devour what you do, and pay you well to do it!

Module Highlights:

We'll discuss what most speakers get wrong about how they communicate what they do:

  • Contextualize your expertise with a clear message map
  • Frame your content in a way that connects with event planners
  • Help your advocates talk about you clearly and consistently so they are successful in sponsoring you
Module 4

Contracts, Fees, and Landing the Job 

We'll cover speaker fees and the most important negotiation secret. You'll also learn about valuable non-monetary assets, how to create a contract that both you and your clients love, and the importance of fee integrity (and reasons to be flexible).

Module Highlights:

These are the things that no one seems to talk about.  Get real information and resources for clarity on:

  • How to make the most of your speaking engagements, whether that's monetary or not
  • Curriculum outlines, lessons, information, and outcomes
  • How to have conversations about money, travel, time, and other sensitive negotiations
  • How to close the deal before you even initiate those negotiations - and the importance of taking the time to do so (even if you don't want the opportunity on the table)
Module 5

Essential Digital Assets

Your website and social media strategy are enormously important for your business success and ongoing growth. Even if you don't have any of these today, you'll learn how to get started with SEO, user experience, and engagement strategies that work. 

Module Highlights:

The easiest and most impactful way to build your online presence, and show up as a professional when people find you online

  • What you need vs 'nice to have'
  • What gets found fastest online, and how to get yourself noticed in the mix
  • Capitalize on easy strategies that go a very long way (such as international invitations!)
Module 6

Level Up Delivery  

Learn next-level tips for a truly polished delivery. You'll make a dramatic mindset shift to avoid the most common performance killer. And, you'll connect more powerfully and execute flawlessly from your first word to the applause.  

Module Highlights:

This one isn't about avoiding filler words or controlling your nerves. 

  • Master the stage layout for great audience connection that's never ruined by lighting, shadows, podiums, or  microphones
  • How to stop 'giving a talk' and start 'delivering a presentation'
  • How to get great recommendations, testimonials, and future invitations
  • Much more
Along the Way

Physician Specific Risk and Mitigation 

It's different for doctors. There are a variety of complexities in our professional circumstances that can have dramatic effects on business success.

Module Highlights:

We'll reveal the potential pitfalls that many doctors haven't even realized, and get to solving some sticky situations:

  • appropriate disclosures, disclaimers, and conflicts of interest
  • contracts and policies that may limit your business income or intellectual property rights
  • malpractice and medical liability exposure online

"If you're on the fence, just jump on over. It's totally worth it. You will learn more than you thought possible and it will no doubt get you closer to your goals of becoming a more visible, more efficient, more productive, and more successful expert in your field. "

Emergency Medicine, Florida

"This course gave me clarity on positioning. I never thought about the language I use to describe myself in this way before. There's so much gold in this course. I had no reservations about signing up."

Gastroenterologist, New York

"This course gives you a road map to actually get something off the ground. I definitely wanted something geared for doctors - it made the whole experience much more powerful!"

Anesthesiologist, Washington

What's included?

This is a special program being offered in celebration of the Association of Women Surgeons Signature Speaker Series kickoff.  You do NOT need to be accepted into that program to enroll in this course at the exclusive AWS discount! Here are the details:  


  1. The entire Speaking Rx Course,  delivered in 6 modules delivered over 12 weeks via video lessons and supporting PDFs.  You'll have access to everything in a special Members Only area. Go at your own pace, with new modules released every two weeks. ($1699 is an absolute steal)
  2. Bonus VIP Backstage Pass:  3 live Q&A sessions, plus unlimited access to the recordings on-demand ($599 value, free with this offer; simply click here to redeem)
  3. Bonus Training Access:  "Inside my speaking journey - personal anecdotes, lessons learned" ($199 value, included with this offer)
  4. Bonus Instant 'Alumni' Status for half-price tuition on any other Rx Series course (over $2500 value)  *usually reserved until full completion of a 12 week program; course availability varies (The Branding Rx, The Social Rx, The Online Course Rx)


That's a total offer valued at more than $4997  -  right now just $1699 for AWS members!


 Enroll today. Do the work. Feel good about it. 

I know if you put the effort into these lessons, they will work for you. Because I'm so sure you'll find value in this course, your investment is backed by a 30 day money back guarantee. 

Just give it your all for at least 2 weeks. If you aren't happy, turn in your completed homework within 30 days of the course start date, and I'll refund every penny.  There's nothing to lose. 

Time and Financial Investment

The tuition for this course is $1699.  A payment plan is offered, and you're covered with my 30 day guarantee.

Remember: even brand new speakers can charge up to $2000 per talk, according to the Harvard Business Review.  

Have a little more experience? You're up to $10,000.  

If you're pretty well known in your field or have premium qualifications (hello, doctors!), now you're talking $20,000 or more.  (This is my range, and is totally achievable. I'm no celebrity!)

If you're serious about elevating your professional speaking, this investment is a no-brainer. 

You'll have lifetime access to the course materials so you can go at your own pace as content is released over 12 weeks, and return to any of the content at any time. 


The investment in time is more complex. Please plan for 2-3 hours per week to digest the trainings.  Executing the action plans may take another few hours. The amount of time it will take you to complete those will be influenced by factors such as:

  • Your comfort and ability to learn with basic technology
  • Whether or not you choose to complete every piece of coursework
  • Your general organizational and time management habits
  • Your thinking, writing, and idea-generating style and pace

To be clear,  you should expect to continue to work on your business with consistent and focused effort long after the conclusion of the course.  


Questions? Email me. I'll reply personally and help you decide if this is right for you! [email protected]




This is a limited opportunity as part of a unique program launch.  I'm lucky enough to be the Signature Speaker Series coach, and wanted to extend something special to the entire AWS. Although this course isn't new, and you could take it another time, you won't see this discount bundle again!

Please join today - the deal is exclusively for you.

"Your unified approach to branding, SEO, and social media strategy was very enlightening. It’s empowered me to give my passion and message the wings it needs to make maximal positive impact on the world. Probably the most powerful change was a shift in my mindset around my value, both in monetary terms and my power to impact on the lives of others."

Stacia Dearmin, M.D.

Are you leaving money on the table?

Let me send you my free guide to setting your speaking fee so you (finally) get paid what you're worth!